Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Feel like putting one of those countdown scripts on the blog! But it's such a long way away, that I bet it'll be somewhat depressing to see the numbers each day. Will be on nights this whole weekend, gross. =(
6:45 AM
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Monday, July 25, 2011
There's really quite a bit of improvement, although I find that my higher mental faculties seem to have been masked out somewhat. Like I don't really care to analyse more. So maybe it's not too good a thing after all. In any case, this experiment will go on for at least 2 weeks.
It's good too, for right now I'm feeling really stretched out by work-related nonsense, and YX is too. Weekends seem to flit by way too quickly, and we find ourselves wishing each Sunday night that we'd wake to find that it's the weekend all over again. Must life be so difficult? Yes, I suppose, if we want our material comforts. Almost at the end of the halfway mark, but there's still a long, long journey to go even after these 6 months. Ever and anon, the same thought creeps in to seize me - what if I've had enough, what if I quit? Still waiting for that big break in life. Maybe I should take to buying a lottery ticket each time I pass by the mamashop.
Lychee beer wise, it's still fermenting away slowly. We'll see how it turns out! My pipeline is running a little dry - 2 kegs of Eclipse II, 1 keg of Hunnymoon, and the Haus Pale Ale is on tap now. I'm half-thinking of doing my first all-grain stout, but I'm worried it'll turn out sweet again like my previous extract batch. In any case, next up in line is a clone of Bell's 2 hearted ale. I've got the Centennial hops (a great deal off ebay!) and the Pacman yeast; I just need to find an opportunity to sneak in a fermenting fridge and I'll be set. I'm not too happy with the current fermentation temperatures - the yeast tends to throw out too much fruity esters. That's what happened to the Haus Pale Ale - it tasted a little like an American hefeweizen.
6:50 AM
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Friday, July 22, 2011
Quite a bit going on at work, and once again I find myself filled with doubt. There's always an easier route.
Brewed Eclipse II 2 weekends ago, and we just cracked one open to compare with Eclipse. Eclipse II used the exact same malted grain bill, but swapped out the 150g of chocolate malt for 300g of Caramunich III. It's nice and bready on its own, but appears less rounded compared to Eclipse - we're attributing this to the extra month of conditioning that Eclipse got. In any case though, subsequent batches of Eclipse will be brewed with Eclipse II's recipe.
Currently fermenting away too is an experimental batch of lychee hefeweizen. The base is a simple hefeweizen using 3kg pils malt and 2.5kg wheat, and I used a true Bavarian hefeweizen yeast this time (previous ones were done using Belgian/Hoegaarden yeast). It's almost at the end of primary fermentation now, so it'll be racked this weekend onto 5kg of fresh lychees for secondary fermentation. Hope this one turns out well!
6:50 AM
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Friday, July 01, 2011
有多可笑。不知不覺,失去了真我。到底是別人或者是自己在改變中? 有時候真的欲哭無淚,只好獨自關閉在自己的幻想中; 因為幻想具沒有情感,也沒有他人能窺探。要跟誰提起呢?要跟誰分享?別再自欺欺人了。心中的孤單即使以千言萬語也是誰都不能理解的。
7:34 PM
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